Full & Partial Dentures in Greenville, TX

Having missing teeth can be a great inconvenience. If you have lost multiple teeth due to disease or injury, you’re probably interested in finding a solution to replace them. Luckily, we create full and partial dentures in Greenville, TX, that look and feel almost like natural teeth!

Patient enquiring about our Full & Partial Dentures in Greenville, TX.
What Are Dentures?

Dentures are dental prosthetics that are worn to replace missing teeth. They are removable and come in two types – full and partial. Full dentures are needed when all of your teeth have been lost on either your upper or lower jaw, and partials are used when only some of your natural teeth remain. When choosing us to create your dentures, you can have confidence that they will look great. We also work hard to make sure that they feel as natural as possible to make it easy to adjust to your teeth teeth and restore function.

The Benefits of Dentures

Dentures have a longstanding reputation as a reliable solution for tooth loss. Whether you need partial or full dentures, you will benefit from a host of advantages that can improve your quality of life.

  • Restored Function: Dentures can improve your ability to chew food and pronounce words, which is something that is quite difficult when you have missing teeth.
  • Aesthetics: Dentures are designed to resemble natural teeth, which means they're guaranteed to enhance the appearance of your smile.
  • Customized for Comfort: We customize your dentures to fit your mouth perfectly, providing a comfortable solution for tooth loss.
  • Protection for Remaining Teeth: If you’re using partial dentures, you can enjoy the benefit of protection for your remaining natural teeth as your bite will be evenly distributed when you chew.
  • Affordability: Dentures tend to be more cost-effective than other tooth replacement options, making them a popular choice for those on a budget or without dental insurance.
  • Boost in Confidence: With dentures, you can smile, speak, laugh, and eat in public without feeling self-conscious. This will lead to an increase in your self-esteem.
  • Durability and Convenience: With proper care and maintenance your dentures will last for years. Additionally, they are removable, which makes cleaning them a breeze.
  • Prevent Facial Muscle Deterioration: Dentures can help stimulate your jaw and prevent further bone loss since they provide necessary stimulation to prevent facial muscle deterioration.
Types of Dentures

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures come in two types: conventional and immediate. Immediate dentures may be more convenient because they are made before any teeth are removed and can, therefore, be worn immediately afterward; there is no waiting period necessary. The drawback to this, however, is that they may not fit as well as conventional dentures, especially if teeth have been removed and the gum tissues are changing as they heal. Conventional dentures, on the other hand, take about eight to 12 weeks to complete. Detailed measurements are taken of the mouth after the teeth have been removed so that the dentures have a close and comfortable fit.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures can be used if some natural teeth remain. They not only restore function to the teeth but also prevent the remaining teeth from changing position. They can be fixed or removable. Fixed partial dentures, also called dental bridges, are fixed to the teeth on either side of the gap via dental crowns. A removable partial denture can have a more natural-looking appearance.

Who Is A Good Candidate for Dentures?

Dentures are a common solution for individuals who have lost some or all of their teeth, but not everyone is a good candidate for them. Here are some factors that may determine whether dentures are a suitable solution:

  • Significant Tooth Loss: If you have lost several or all of your teeth due to decay, gum disease, or injury, dentures may be a good option for you. Dentures can be full (replacing all teeth in the upper or lower jaw) or partial (replacing some teeth).
  • Good Oral Health: While dentures can replace lost teeth, the health of your remaining teeth, gums, and jawbone is important. Individuals with healthy gums and a strong jawbone can better support dentures. For those with severe gum disease or weak jawbones, other treatments may be needed before dentures can be fitted.
  • Good Overall Health: Certain systemic conditions, like diabetes, can affect the healing process and the fit of the dentures. A detailed medical history is taken into consideration before a decision is made.
  • Proper Care and Maintenance: Being a good candidate for dentures also means being able to take proper care of them. This includes daily cleaning and regular check-ups with a dental professional.

If you’re considering dentures, it’s important to have a detailed discussion with our dentist about the pros and cons, given your specific health situation and needs.

Patient holding clear aligner
How Long Do Dentures Last?

The lifespan of dentures can vary based on several factors, such as the material used to make them, the individual’s oral hygiene habits, and changes in the wearer’s mouth and jaw structure. However, on average, a set of dentures should last somewhere between 5 to 7 years.

Over time, dentures will wear and might not fit as well as they once did due to natural changes in the shape and size of your mouth. The jaw and gum line may recede or shrink, causing the dentures to fit less securely. Regular check-ups with a dental professional are important as they can adjust, reline, or replace your dentures to ensure they fit well and are functioning properly.

Additionally, how long dentures last will greatly depend on how well they are taken care of. This includes proper daily cleaning and overnight soaking, handling them carefully to avoid damage, and scheduling regular dental check-ups.

Remember, even with the best care, dentures will eventually need to be replaced. If you notice signs of wear, such as chips, cracks, or loose teeth, or if your dentures cause discomfort, it’s important to consult our dentist in Greenville as soon as possible!

We Offer Dentures in Greenville!

If you are ready to have your smile back, visit us at Graham Family Dental & Spa. At this dental office near you in Greenville, TX, you can be sure that you’ll have the look and feel of your old smile back.

Full & Partial Dentures

How do I decide between full and partial dentures?

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The choice between full and partial dentures depends on how many natural teeth you have remaining and their health. Full dentures are used when all teeth are missing, while partial dentures are suitable when some natural teeth remain. Our dentist can assess your situation and recommend the best option based on your oral health and needs.

Can I sleep with my dentures in?

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It's generally recommended to remove dentures at night to allow your gum tissues to rest and to soak the dentures in a cleaning solution. This helps maintain oral hygiene and prolongs the life of the dentures. However, some people might need to wear them at night for specific reasons. Our dentist can provide personalized advice.

How long will it take to get used to new dentures?

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Adjusting to new dentures may take a few weeks to several months. Initially, they may feel awkward or uncomfortable as your mouth learns to eat and speak with them. Over time, your muscles, nerves, and ligaments will adapt. Our dentist can provide tips and adjustments to ease this transition.

What is the average lifespan of dentures, and how do I maintain them?

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The average lifespan of dentures is about 5 to 7 years, but this can vary based on care and use. To maintain them, clean your dentures daily, handle them carefully, and continue to visit our dentist regularly for check-ups and adjustments. Keeping your dentures in good condition can extend their life and ensure they fit properly.

Will my sense of taste be affected by dentures?

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Initially, you might notice a slight difference in taste or temperature sensation with dentures, especially with full palate coverage. However, as you become accustomed to your dentures, these changes should diminish. Our dentist can discuss options like palateless dentures for upper arches if taste or comfort is a significant concern.